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home guard 英國國民軍成員。

home help

Bill pilkington , who was one of the first close combat instructors trained by fairbairn and sykes for duty with the home guard , still living in england , writes 草案的pilkington ,誰是第一個短兵相接教官訓練費爾貝恩和sykes地點與家看守,仍住在英格蘭,這樣寫道

A british volunteer cavalry force organized in1761 to serve as a home guard and later incorporated into the territorial army 義勇騎兵成立于1761年的一支英國志愿騎兵隊,保衛本國安全,后被并入本土軍隊

The home guard is powered to enter any place it sees fit without notice or constraint , 家鄉護衛軍有權進入任何地方捉拿逃兵,不必通知也不受約束

Whispers home guard 家鄉護衛軍

( whispers ) home guard 家鄉護衛軍

Left tracks in the snow all the way up for the home guard to follow , 他們一路上在雪地里留下的足跡正好方便家鄉護衛軍追蹤

Home guard claim form 家居保險索賠通知書

I daresay that ' s home guard followin ' you , 我猜家鄉護衛軍準是在追你

Man home guard ! get back there ! - gunfire horses neighing 家鄉護衛軍!快回去